Friday, August 6, 2010

Who Needs Sleep?

I DO! I need sleep! Really, I do. Now, if I could just convince my body of its importance. . .

Well, let's be honest, I give my body mixed signals- first I pump it full of caffeine and tell it that it . . . Must. . . Stay. . . Awake. . . . at ALL costs. . . (spoken through mentally gritted teeth) - and then I beg, plead, and grovel at its feet - imploring it for sweet sleep. Sweet, sweet sleep, where are you?

stupid body.

Speaking of bodies- tomorrow is my thesis defense, all about bodies- and how we view them.
Just for practice: Let's view a body, shall we? What do you see when you view THIS body?

That's a scary body. It doesn't apply to my thesis because it's not a woman. Is it a man? What kind of thing is it anyway??

Try #2

This body is similar to the previous one, in that they're both fake. It is different from the previous one because it is made of plastic. Although, to be honest, we can't be sure of the composition of the previous body. . . could be made of plastic too. Who knows?

Anyways, even though it is a doll in a risque pose, this body is highly related to my thesis because it speaks to women's body image. I'll try to avoid real nudity on my blog, but plastic nudity seems reasonable, yes?

Do you think this plastic doll-woman conforms to traditional feminine gender role norms? Do you think she self-objectifies? If my thesis could talk, it would ask about these things. It would also say that it wants to die, Die, DIE.

-wait- no, that's what I want.
Come to think of it, I don't know what my thesis wants, nor do I know what it would say if it were a living being.

In other news: my dog is insane and is carrying an empty yogurt container around the house.
In other other news: no one is going to read this blog and I don't know why I'm writing it.
In other other Other news: it's 4:23am and I defend my thesis is 5 hours and 37 minutes and I'm still not tired.

okay. I'll try the sleep thing again, despite my wide awakeness. It's kind of like going to the restroom even when you don't have to "go." Usually if you sit there long enough. . .

yes. We'll try that.

1 comment:

Coda said...